6 How to Use Django Templates

To start utilising the Django templating language, let’s pass some data through to the accounts/login.html template by editing the home view functon in the accounts/views.html to be rendered in the template:

def home(request):
    numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    name = 'Max Goodridge'

    args = {'myName': name, 'numbers': numbers}
    return render(request, 'accounts/login.html', args)

The dictionary args that is being passed in to render is optional, but passing it in here will give access to the contents of name and numbers in the corresponding template as myName and numbers respectively.

Now that the template has access to the data sent from the view, we can show it by simply doing for example:

<h1>{{ myName }}</h1>

In a similar fashion, we can also use this style of templating to be able to iterate through any iterable object (the numbers list in this case) like so:

    {% for number in numbers %}
        <li>{{ number }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

Now you should see all the content in the template at localhost:8000/account.